Welcome to the KCOM Pride Phone Box Trail!
There are nine phone boxes just like the one you have scanned, all painted with inclusive flag-inspired art. Taking a Selfie? Share yours with #KCOMpride
While you’re here, check out the Pride Phone Box Trail!
Here are some inspirational words from the community
"I was a little scared coming out as Trans, but doing so proved my friends, family and colleagues really care for and support me."
- Evelyn (She/Her)
"Pansexual is a fairly new term to the past few decades and more and more people are “coming out” as pans. I think it’s beautiful people can love people and not labels. Happy Pride 2023 KCOM."
- Andy (He/Him)
"As Chair of the KCOM Inclusion Team, I am proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with our LGBTQ+ colleagues, celebrating those who have fought for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community and acknowledging that there is still much more we can all do."
- Kylie
I’m so happy to see the Ace flag included! So many people exclude us from the community despite the A being used to represent us and our Aro and Agender pals. Thank you so much, this has really touched my heart!!
- Rachel (She/Her)
Seeing how KCOM are supporting the community by celebrating everyone has warmed my heart. I took my mum to see them all today and when we got to the gay man box I came out to her. Thanks KCOM.
- David (He/Him)
It’s amazing to see so many businesses recognising the pride movement compared even to just 10 years ago. As we prepare for this year’s pride I’m pleased to see that the parade route will take in many of these wonderfully decorated phone boxes. #Queerjoy
- Andy (He/Him) - Vice Chair, Pride in Hull